ONLINE Harvest & Preserve Garden Workshop

August 6, 2020

6:30 PM  -  8:00 PM


with Amy Antonucci of Seacoast Permaculture

How is your garden growing? Maybe you are having problems you'd like to talk about, or you’ve been so successful that you might be harvesting more food than you can even eat! We can discuss both your challenges and how you might preserve some of your bounty the off-season. There are many food preservation methods you can use to extend your harvest that we can talk about: freezing, drying, canning and more.

An important aspect of Permaculture is obtaining a yield and becoming a successful gardener is one great way to do that. But what if you run into trouble? Let's talk!

Amy Antonucci, NOFA-NH's 2017 Gardener of the Year, worked on an organic farm & CSA for 10 years before becoming a certified permaculture designer and focusing on homesteading. She keeps bees, poultry, goats and gardens at Living Land Permaculture Homestead in Barrington NH ( She has spoken at libraries, schools, garden clubs, NOFA-NH and on the radio, and is the main organizer of Seacoast Permaculture.

No registration required. Click this link to connect via Zoom. Password: 3GWdHC

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