City Hosts Third Community Forum on Climate Action Plan on Feb 6, 2024

January 30, 2024

The City of Portsmouth NH Planning and Sustainability Department is hosting the third Community Forum for the new Climate Action Plan on Tuesday, February 6, 2024 at 6 pm in City Hall Council Chambers.

The consultant team will update the community on draft targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions across the City, the prioritized strategies to reach those targets, and the climate adaptation strategies to prepare Portsmouth for the potential effects and impacts of climate change. After a brief presentation, there will be an opportunity to ask questions and give feedback on all the strategies, targets, and priorities. The public is invited to attend in person or via Zoom (advance registration required

As a coastal community with climate hazards becoming ever more present, the City of Portsmouth is engaging its community and other stakeholders in the development of a Climate Action Plan, “Portsmouth’s Climate Future.” Much of the City’s most treasured resources and many infrastructure assets are located along its historic waterfront and are directly vulnerable to sea level rise and storm surge.

The community and City staff are working to finalize the Climate Action Plan that addresses the greenhouse gas emissions released by both the City and the community, by recommending the most effective strategies to reduce all emissions moving forward. Additionally, the plan prioritizes the adaptation measures designed to build resilience to climate impacts for community-wide implementation.

“Portsmouth’s Climate Future” is intended to define and prioritize the actions needed from City staff and leadership, but will also call upon all those who live, work, and play in Portsmouth to make meaningful commitments to ensure it becomes a more climate friendly and resilient community for generations to come. For more information, visit