Bids and Proposals

Dear valued Vendors, Business Partners, and interested Portsmouth citizens! The City has deployed a new eProcurement solution from OpenGov for publishing solicitations and receiving vendor responses. This new tool streamlines our procurement efforts and advances transparency with the public. 

Register your account today to begin receiving email notifications about the City’s solicitations for Bid, RFP, and RFQ opportunities. Registration is 100% free!

While we are in the midst of this transition there are open bids in the old system through the end of February. Please scroll down the page for those projects.


Attention Bidders

Bid Contact phone number: (603) 610-7227.

If you have difficulty downloading any bid or proposal, or if you have questions, please contact the Purchasing Coordinator at (603) 610-7227. The City may elect not to post all City bids and requests for proposal on this web site. If you are looking for a particular bid or proposal document and do not see it here please contact the Purchasing Coordinator at the number above. 

It is your responsibility to download completely documents from this web site and to check this web site for any additional documentation that may be issued relative to a particular document. Addenda will be identified on the web site, including date of issuance. The City will post addenda on this site at least 2 business days prior to the deadline for bid/proposal submittal. The City will not inform you of addenda. The City reserves the right to postpone the bid opening. Please review any additional instructions. 

You should not alter or modify any bid documents or proposal forms downloaded from this web site. Altering or modifying such documents or forms may result in disqualification.

If you are looking for Bids  in the following years, please click on the links 2018 - 2017 - 2016 - 2015 - 2014 - 2013 - 2012 - 2011 - 2010 - 2009 - 2008 - 2007 - 2006 - 2005


Bid/Proposal Deadline Additional Instructions Pre-Bid Meeting Addenda Bid Summary
Bid 53-18 On-Street Bicycle Facility Improvement Project Lafayette Rd. Middle Street

53-18 Project Plans

Non-mandatory pre-bid meeting, see Addendum 1.

Addendum #1, Addendum #2

Not Awarded will rebid

RFP 31-18 Turf Management Services

Bid/Proposal Deadline Additional Instructions Pre-Bid Meeting Addenda Bid Summary
Bid 15 -18 Osprey Landing Water Tank Remedial Implementation Work

Addendum #1

Mandatory pre-bid meeting February 22, 2018

Bid 38-18 Newington Booster Pump Station Upgrades

The complete bid document can be found at: (See bid invitation for more details.)

Addendum #1, Addendum #2, Addendum #3

Mandatory pre-bid meeting 

Bid/Proposal Deadline Additional Instructions Pre-Bid Meeting Addenda Bid Summary
Bid 47-18 Corporate Drive and Goose Bay Drive Sewer Improvements

Addendum #1
Bid 49-18 Woodbury Ave Signal Interconnect

49-18 Project Plans

Due to inclement weather, the due date and time has been changed to March 16, 2018 at 10:30 a.m. from March 13. See Addendum 3.

Inadvertently  the incorrect bid specifications were posted for Bid 49-18 Woodbury Ave. Traffic Signal Interconnect. A correction has been made and the  correct bid specifications for Bid 49-18 Woodbury Ave. Signal Interconnect are now posted.

Addendum #1, Addendum #2, Addendum #3
Bid 47-18 Corporate Drive and Goose Bay Drive Sewer Improvements

Bid 47-18 Plans  

Pre-bid meeting attendees

Pre-bid meeting attendees

Addendum #1

Mandatory pre-bid meeting 

Bid/Proposal Deadline Additional Instructions Pre-Bid Meeting Addenda Bid Summary
Bid 52-18 five (5) Ford Trucks.

Addendum #1
Bid 51-18 Toyota Diesel Forklift.

Bid/Proposal Deadline Additional Instructions Pre-Bid Meeting Addenda Bid Summary
RFP 57-18 Household Hazardous Waste Collection Services

Additional Information 

Bid/Proposal Deadline Additional Instructions Pre-Bid Meeting Addenda Bid Summary
Bid 56-18 Mobile Vending from Municipal Spaces

Bid 40-18 Pleasant Street Roadway Improvements.

Plan Set

The bid due date and time has been changed to 10:00 a.m. March 29, 2018 from March 26. See Addendum 1

Mandatory pre-bid meeting: 

Addendum #1
Bid/Proposal Deadline Additional Instructions Pre-Bid Meeting Addenda Bid Summary
Bid 58-18 Chevy Bolt EV FWD LT

Bid 55-18 Two 2018 Ford Edges

Bid 62-18 Ford F-150 XL Super Cab Due