Citywide Neighborhood Committee Hosts Ward 5 Forum Jun 8

June 3, 2022

On Wednesday, June 8, 2022, the Citywide Neighborhood Committee hosts a panel of Portsmouth city officials to discuss projects and issues specific to the Ward 5 neighborhood. The meeting is scheduled for 6:30 pm, in-person in City Hall Conference Room A. The meeting is open to residents of Ward 5 as well as to the public at large.

The Ward 5 Forum is part of a series of “Neighborhood Outreach Forums” hosted by the Citywide Neighborhood Committee. Additional Ward Forums are being planned.

The panelists will focus on providing a better understanding of current issues and developments between neighborhoods in Ward 2 and City departments. 

Participants include: 

  • Mayor Deaglan McEachern
  • Assistant Mayor Joanna Kelley
  • City Manager Karen Conard
  • Public Works Director Peter Rice
  • Police Lieutenant Seth Tondreault
  • Fire Chief Todd Germain
  • Lori Soloway, Citywide Neighborhood Committee Forums coordinator, Moderator.


A General Question and Answer session will follow at the end of presentations

The Citywide Neighborhood Committee advocates for the neighborhoods in Portsmouth to assure that all aspects of City government work through two basic principles; protection and preservation of the quality of our neighborhoods. Communication between neighbors in Portsmouth is encouraged and essential.  For more information, contact Lori Soloway at: